Elder Law RI - Overview
With advances in modern medicine, seniors are living longer than ever before. With seniors living to such advanced ages, there is a much greater need for attorneys dealing with Elders or "Elder Lawyers". In Rhode Island, Elder Law RI is a fast-growing industry but the question remains what exactly is it? What do seniors have to deal with that cannot be handled by any other type of lawyer? Truthfully a whole lot. Elder Law RI covers several topics relating to estate planning and other things that need to be addressed in your senior years. This article will be covering three of the most common areas of Elder Law RI and what they are.
Elder Law RI - Mediation
Everyone fights with their family but what if there is something that you simply cannot agree to with them? What if you were debating you ability to live alone or what you should do with your estate? These are all things that can be discussed with an Elder Law RI mediator. Elder Law RI Mediators are an unbiased third party who will sit in on your discussions and assist you in making decisions that are beneficial for all parties involved.
Elder Law RI - Contested Documents and Actions
When you make up your will for the way you would like your assets divided at the time of your death there can be questions required from other members of your family. If this is the case having the assistance of an Elder Law RI Attorney be very beneficial. This is easily defeated because a talented Elder Law RI Attorney will be able to document the process and verbiage in the will and help end the contest.
Elder Law RI - Durable Power Of Attorney
Having a durable power of attorney can be beneficial for situations that arise after you have passed away. For example, if you have money in your bank account that you have intended to pay for your funeral it may be impossible to access that money for several months if you do not have documentation in place that allows someone to be able to access your account quickly in the event of your death. Getting a durable power of attorney is simple and can be done quickly with an Elder Law RI attorney to assist you.
Contacting An Elder Law RI Attorney
As you can see the above are only a small portion of Elder Law RI but they are some of the most important. If you would like to contact an Elder Law RI Attorney the Law Office of
Divorce Lawyers in RI Jeremy W. Howe can assist you today. Our office is available at any time to help you with Elder Law RI needs as they arise. If you would like to schedule a free initial consultation contact us today at 401-841-5700.